Do good.

I grew up watching classic 90’s television, which included one of my all time favorite shows, Boy Meets World. There were some incredibly powerful episodes on the show as we watched our favorite trio grow up under the always caring eye of the teacher Mr. Feeny. In the finale of the series, Mr. Feeny left his students (and all of us) with some final words of wisdom, “Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good.”

Over the last several weeks I have watched the world start to pull itself back together and we all have an opinion on when and how things should happen. We’re struggling with wanting our lives back. Yet, I have also seen more people come together to do good and protect the most vulnerable among us. We’ve had people step up and make masks and PPE for those who can’t or those who need it in the healthcare field. We’ve had donations come in for the Team Kentucky Fund and other organizations to help provide for the people in our state. We’ve had volunteers to pick up groceries for their neighbors and people find creative ways to bring smiles to their neighborhoods with rainbows, teddy bear hunts, and chalk art.

Reflecting on it all and thinking about the days to come, I am reminded of Mr. Feeny’s words. We need to believe that we will get through these challenging times. We need to dream of the future and the world we want to create as we go forward. We need to try in everything we do. Most importantly, we need to do good in this world. This isn’t a foreign concept in Christianity. Christ came to serve and love all. In the Gospel of Mark 10:45, Jesus said:
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 
This is our call going forward. Even now as our hearts yearn to be together, let us take up the call to serve and sacrifice as Christ did. Find ways to do good. Find ways to be like Christ and serve those around us. As we start to reopen, remember those who need help still, who can’t get out, who have to remain extra cautious. How can you help? How can you serve? How can you do good?
