
Showing posts from March, 2020

Faith & Sacrifice

Right now, the world feels impossible. We are being asked to stay healthy at home, to not see people in order to keep them safe. We are being called upon to sacrifice for the greater good of the most vulnerable among us. However, as Catholics, the idea of sacrifice should be far from a foreign concept. Lent itself is a time of sacrifice. In fact, our faith cannot be separated from the idea because of our understanding of the ultimate sacrifice of Christ for all people. On Friday, March 27, 2020 Pope Francis, in a historic moment, delivered a very special blessing that is usually reserved for Christmas and Easter, “Urbi et orbi” or for “The City and the World”. A blessing usually done from the window of the Vatican and with the Pope’s hand. Instead, Pope Francis delivered it through the Eucharist housed in the Monstrance, the True Presence of Christ, to bless us. During his meditation of the Gospel reading from Mark on the moment of the storm and Jesus asleep in the boat, Pope Fra

The Gift of Time

I love books. Growing up, you would find my nose in a book on many a family road trip or with a flashlight under my covers at night, long past my bedtime, caught up in the pages of a story. Since I had my son almost four years ago, much of my time to dive into a good book has been prioritized by living my vocation as a mother. However, I’ve been fortunate that he loves to “read” as much as I do, and my time to read has increased as he has grown.  It was for this reason, several days before the order for the libraries to close, I was at our local library picking up new books for my son and seeing what I could find from my own list. I was pleasantly surprised to find a specific translation of St. Augustine’s Confessions that I had been eyeballing on Amazon for a few months (but hadn’t pulled the trigger on purchasing for one reason or another) and a biography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux on display that looked interesting. Not thinking anything of it more than I had found some good books,